New Macbook Pro loose hinge – by design, maybe not.

I am writing about the new, cut from a solid block of aluminum Macbook Pro

I did some reading regarding the loose hinge on the Macbook Pro 15″. I found something very interesting. I had also thought that the hinge was too loose. I went to the Mac store and tested all the Macbook pro’s with the store manager, and the lid hinges all had the same tension. The problem is that the screen hinge tension is loose which causes the screen to move if the computer is moved around. It happens if the laptop is picked up too fast, or picked up and tilted. The interesting thing is, if you pick it up and tilt it towards you, the screen starts to close, seems dangerous… These are not cheap machines, and watching your expensive laptop screen about to slam shut and possibly take your thumbs with it is not a pleasant experience.
Surprisingly, as the lid picks up speed, and just as you think it will inevitably slam shut… it doesn’t. It just stops, about 3″ from close. My opinion after seeing this is, this is a new type of hinge mechanism, that by design is looser. Other posts talk about users positions while working on the laptop. Some people report working on their computers while laying down and have it resting on their knees at a slanted upward angle with the screen open wide. In this case the hinge is not tight enough to support the weight of the screen and will not stay open. I called and talked to a mac genus who had taken one apart. He described it as metal wrapped around a post with no way of tightening. I am now very curious to see what Apple’s response to this will be.