Dasani Water


When this water debuted I said to myself, “this is the only water I’m going to drink.” It tasted so good back then, but it changed. In fact, now I try to avoid this water. Originally, when Dasani was released the taste was amazing. I believe this was due to the amount of minerals that were added for flavor. After some time the taste of this water began to change. It no longer has that wonderful flavor and now has a dead taste similar to what you’ll find in some water coolers. I believe this is because they have reduced the amount of minerals used in this water.


Vanilla Coke


This is a classic with a twist, it’s vanilla flavored Coke! The vanilla flavor is pleasant and mellows out the acidic or biting flavor of Coke. I think this is a good tasting drink, but I drink it very sparingly just a few times a year (and not all at once). The 20FL oz bottle contains 70 grams of sugar. That is no joke. It’s about 17.5 teaspoons of sugar.

Sweetener: high fructose corn syrup

Amount of sweetener: 70 grams (20oz bottle)



Honest Tea Assam Black Tea


This is one of my most favorite beverages. I would be a happy man if I had an ice cold bottle of Assam in my fridge at all times. I especially love drinking this in the morning. This tea has a complex flavor, it’s soo good I’ll drink it a sip at a time to re-experience every aspect of it’s diverse flavor. I’m usually left with an empty bottle. The flavor is crisp, strong, and has a slight bitterness that I love. If you are used to Snapple or Lipton bottled tea’s you may taste this and think there is no sweetener at all, but there is, 10 grams of sugar. Roughly 2.5 packets of sugar.

Sweetener: cane sugar

Amount of sweetener: 10 grams (17oz bottle)


